For our dynamic exposition project our group plans to do a youtube review styled video. Our plan so far is to start the video with a walk through a technology store to show all the different products Sony makes to highlight the problem of their over diversified business structure. Following that introduction we hope to do a tongue and cheek satire video where we debate how to do the video and go in multiple directions to parallel how Sony can’t seem to pick a single direction to go. Hopefully the video will be both humorous and educational. We can also tie in some concepts from class like ambush marketing. Hopefully from showing how nothing can be fully flushed out when people jump from one thing to another will prove that this is a problem for Sony. Then after we settle on the youtube style review, it will show that focusing on one good idea will be the most productive.
The main thing we are concerned about for this project is having the correct technology and implementing good humor. As far as technology goes, no one in our group has good video editing software to piece the video together. Since we are recording the videos with a google phone, finding a compatible software will pose some difficulty. For the second potential issue we are working on a script together now, and hopefully between five people we can make it work. Another issue following that would be organizing a good time for everyone to meet and work on the project. Everyone has very busy schedules and with the end of the semester coming and most classes ramping up for that, it will be difficult for sure.
The main resource we need at this point would be a video editing software. If worst comes to worst we can use a free program like movie maker. The other resource we will need is time. Unfortunately that is a limited resource and there is only so much we can do about obtaining it. However if we can get everyone together, it should be a very entertaining experience.