Friday, February 10, 2017

How to Clean Up the Competition

Hey all,

Soaps 'R Us here and we're here to answer some basic questions about our targeted customer segment! As passionate gamers we're excited to be focusing on the Playstation aspect of Sony. Here's what we got so far!

    1. The primary customer segment that Playstation targets is young adult males between the ages of 15 to 26, living in the United States, who devotes some of his free time to gaming. He is a gamer who isn’t necessarily professional but identifies enough as a gamer that he cares about what name brand his console is and the quality of the game performance.
    2. This customer segment has multiple benefits they are looking for in a product. He wants a console that has a reliable and diverse game market. He demands frequent software maintenance and updates. It is important to have both good mechanics and visuals. He also wants and an accessible online community. Playstations also provide a sense of escapism for customers and let them de-stress from their lives, allow them to connect with their friends, and even possibly open them to new interests or communities in the world of gaming.
    3. We have a few ways these customers learn about the product. One of the bigger ones is runing ads on TV. Ideally targeting the audience during certain time slots and on channels that the customer segment will most likely be watching. Being able to advertise online is also vital since most of the market will also have internet access and be active online. A good way to go about this is advertising on Amazon, Facebook, Twitter,  IGN, Youtube, giving out a few consoles to unbiased Youtube technology reviewers, advertising on Twitch, and possibly Reddit. Another crucial contact point is person to person, being known by word of mouth. Having groups of friends, families, and awestruck children to generate hype and support of playstation consoles is invaluable. Lastly is advertising in brick and mortar stores. Since Playstation is big it receives good spots in stores where people see them easily while shopping. Big displays and test games in the front of the electronics sections and such.

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